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Rules & Regulations

2025 Rules and Regulations

Canfield Fair




Management reserves the right to:

  • Interpret, amend or add to same.
  • Limit the number of concessions.
  • Change a location for any reason including but not limited to fire code regulations.
  • To cancel a concession permit, upon receipt of notice from any other Fair that the exhibitor or concessionaire has been suspended or expelled for violation of contract or rules.
  • No person shall be permitted to make solicitations of any nature on the Fairgrounds except in contracted Concession or Commercial Rented Spaces.
  • No person(s) except persons under contract will be permitted to post or display signs, distribute handbills or advertisements, sell or distribute free, any merchandise.
  • All items to be sold must be listed on the exhibitor/concessionaire’s current year’s contract.
  • Persons violating general or special rules will forfeit all privileges and be subject to such penalty as the Management may impose.


  • Concessionaires are responsible for maintaining their contact information (email, name, address, phone) with the Fair Office. Any items needed to be mailed again may be assessed a fee.
  • Concessionaires are cautioned to determine and reserve the number of feet they will occupy, INCLUDING trailer hitches, trailer extensions, trailer doors and overhangs, and at least three (3) feet on each side for tent stakes (if tent is not free standing). All Tent stakes or support posts must be capped or covered with a protective device that will prevent injury to patrons and employees.
  • Concessionaires must check in with the Fair Board Office by 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday prior to opening day of the FAIR. Any concession space not claimed by 6:00 p.m. is subject to a $100.00 late fee and/or space becomes available for resale.
  • Space must be paid for IN FULL by June 30th. Upon check-in, an “Electric Permit” will be issued. This permit is to be placed in visible sight of your vendor space and must remain visible for the duration of the Fair. (See section VII “Electricity”)
  • NO concession stand or concession vehicle will be permitted to park on the fairgrounds prior to the actual check-in time. (Noon Thursday prior to Fair). A penalty fee of $100.00 per day per vehicle will be charged on any account found to have vehicles on fair property prior to check-in.
  • All vehicles must enter at the gate indicated on stickers issued by concession office, and park in the area designated: otherwise, they will be towed at the expense of the owner.
  • Vendor tickets may only be purchased by the registered vendor.
  • Use of space on the grounds or in buildings is limited to the duration of the Fair. Space must be vacated within three (3) days after the Fair closing date unless Fair Management has approved such request; otherwise, concession/vehicle will be towed at the expense of the owner.


View Cardinal Joint Fire District (CJFD) pdf located on Vendor registration page of Canfield Fair website.


  • Tents, covers, awnings and all decorative materials used in connection with displays shall be flame resistant or flame retardant in a manner approved by the Fire Chief.
  • An affidavit or affirmation shall be submitted to the Cardinal Joint Fire District Fire Chief and a copy retained on the premises, to include the following information:
    • Name and address of owner of tent, awning or cover
    • Date fabric was last tested with flame resistant solution
    • Trade name of chemical used for treatment
    • Name of company treating material
    • Name of testing agency and testing standards
  • Gasoline, charcoal or other cooking device or any other unapproved flame shall not be allowed inside of tents or air-supported structures.
  • NO hay or straw shall be used as floor covering in any temporary occupancy. As per Chapter 24 of local Fire Code. Wood chips may be used if approved by the CJFD Fire Chief.
  • All tents must be secured with stakes driven in the ground and secured with rope. 5-gallon buckets of water or concrete are not acceptable methods for securing a tent.
  • All bulbs must be 12 inches from canvas.
  • All tent stake holes made in blacktop MUST be filled with appropriate material to insure they are sealed prior to leaving the grounds.


View Cardinal Joint Fire District pdf regarding equipment and new code rules (1/2025) located on Vendor registration page of Canfield Fair website.

  • Fire lanes shall be maintained in all areas of fairgrounds.
  • Areas around fire hydrants shall be kept free of obstructions.
  • Inspection fee will be charged and must be paid prior to opening of fair.
  • Smoking is not permitted in any barn or building as stated in OH Revised Code 3794 (12/7/06)


  • Only approved metal safety cans shall be used for gasoline.
  • Shut off engine before refueling


  • Concessions requiring more than 100 Amp. Service must secure approval in writing from Concession Management before moving onto the grounds.
  • Concessionaires are responsible for wiring their own concessions. When wiring and ground wire are completed, concessionaire should present the “Concession Electric Permit” card at the Maintenance Office (Building #18) and sign for hookup.
  • Each concessionaire will be limited to one (1) stock trailer per 30 feet of concession space rented (if available) and an electric permit is required. The stock trailer hookup will be made separate from the concession stand but must be wired to meet all the specifications required.
    • Permanent wiring within your unit should be checked by a competent electrician and repaired or replaced to conform to the National Electric Code. This includes replacement of plug-type fuses with controlled size, time delay type fuses or some similar overload protection aimed at preventing overloading wiring.
    • Temporary wiring should follow the requirements of the National Electric Code for such installations. The code emphasizes the types of conductors and fixtures which may be used, overload protections, conductor protections and PROTECTION AGAINST PHYSICAL DAMAGE.


  • Have in their unit/space either a “Circuit Breaker” or “Fusible Disconnect” system, properly sized for 30, 60 or 100 Amp load.
  • Ensure all general-purpose outlets (120 Volt) must be Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protected as per NEC code 525.23
  • Have a UL rated Ground Rod at each Vendor Stand.
  • Supply the proper size “SO” Cord from their disconnect system to the Fair provided red drop box. (Not to exceed 150 feet in length; Cam-loks only for cord extensions).
  • Acceptable wiring system to attach to the Fair provided red drop box:
    • 120 Volt Service; a 3-conductor cord (Ex. White/Black/Green)
    • 240 Volt Service; a 4-conductor cord (Ex. White/Black/Red/Green)
  • Electrical Pricing is included in the online vendor application. The minimum charge for electricity is $65.00.
  • Tampering with Fair electrical drop box, including disconnect, will warrant all concessions hooked into that drop box being fined and banned from future fair activities.

Electrical Requirements for the Canfield Fair Connections:


**No Electrical hookups will be made until Noon, Saturday prior to Fair**

**All electric service will be shut off by 8:00 A.M. the day after Fair closes**

NO EXCEPTIONS!! Unless approved by Fair Management


  • Trailers and trucks are to be in the parking area provided by Fair Management. They are NOT to be parked until permit is secured and location designated. NO vehicle is to be left unattended.
  • Each concession unit and all additional units, etc. trucks/stock trailer/golf carts/sleeping quarters, must always display a permit. These permits are made available at check-in time only.


  • Open 10:00 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. (Indoor and outdoor concessions)
  • Concessions may be open on days prior to our opening day at a charge of $50.00 per unit per day!


  • Management reserves the right to distribute, place and/or move trash/refuse barrels.
  • Concessionaires and their employees should be neat and clean.
  • Temporary structures and trailer should be clean or freshly painted.
  • All space inside and out, must be improved and decorated by concessionaires at their own expense. Backdrops can be up to 8 feet.
  • A price list of all items to be sold must be displayed. Signs should be professionally painted, legible and in good condition.
  • Concessionaires are to keep the grounds and building clean at all times during the Fair, by picking up litter around their concession. At night, rake or sweep refuse from concession area to edge of midway or aisle. This should be done by 11 p.m. each night to facilitate the work of the Night Cleanup Crews.


Concessionaires ARE NOT permitted:

  • To transfer or sublet any part of space assigned or move to another location without the prior written consent of concession management.
  • To extend beyond the designated line. This will result in forfeiture of space.
  • To sell excess “Concessionaire/Vendor Tickets”
  • To display/advertise/post signs in the midways after 10:00 am
  • To sell or give “Mylar” balloons.
  • To make deliveries on midways after 10:00 A.M. except in case of emergency and prior written consent of concession management
  • To sell any items or carry-on business other than indicated on the contract.
  • To have concession (stand, tent, trailer or truck) without a responsible individual in charge at all times.
  • To erect tent(s) for sleeping purposes.
  • To plug into buildings or barns for electric.
  • To use power tools for digging. All post holes must be dug by hand.
  • To serve in or sell glass bottles/containers, or other glass items without prior written consent of concession management.
  • To empty wastewater any place on grounds other than in sanitary sewer.
  • To make hearing tests recommending hearing aids.
  • To sell Bull Whips, Squirt Guns or Potato Guns.
  • To distribute or sell handheld laser lights, (in any form); silly string (or similar products).
  • To sell or display Pins, Badges, Apparel, Posters or products which display obscene or drug related decorations of any kind including Confederate items.
  • To distribute samples or giveaways (balloons, etc.) without prior written consent of concession management.
  • To use misleading information in securing names for “leads” or to have drawings without the written consent of concession management. If approved, the winner must be drawn and posted during fair; a list of prizes and winners must be furnished to the Fair Office within one (1) day of fair closing. Any give-a-ways or drawings must comply with the Ohio Attorney General’s Rules and Regulations. – No Exceptions.
  • To undercharge or overcharge for items being sold.
  • TO USE NOISY INSTRUMENTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ATTRACTING ATTENTION: Public Address Systems may be used only with the written consent of Management. Abuse of the privilege will result in space forfeiture.
  • To suspend balloon(s) or flashing beacon lights over concession space.
  • To put any advertising on buildings, trees or poles
  • To sell or advertise by “Roaming”
  • To bring intoxicating beverages on fairgrounds.
  • To practice extortion of any kind
  • To promote gambling or raffles for either money or goods.
  • To use any type of coin operated machine without the written consent of concession management.
  • To give live animals as prizes or awards. Ex. Rabbits/fish/birds/etc.
  • To operate games or sell merchandise which is prohibited by the Department of Agriculture as published in their booklet “LAWS AND RULES” for County and Independent Agricultural Societies.
  • To use bicycles, motorcycles, motor scooters, roller blades or skates on the fairgrounds.
  • To have vehicles on midways prior to tear-down time (10:00 p.m.)
  • To start "teardown" for concession before 10:00 p.m. last night of the Fair.

  • Vendors are permitted use of water within limits. A charge of $25.00 per 1000 gallon used will be charged.
  • Mahoning County Public Health is requiring chlorination or bromine to be used for any unit containing water.


  • Vendors are reminded to dispose of wastewater in the proper dump sites. Be sure and check with maintenance (Building #18) BEFORE you dump any water. Those found dumping in an improper site will be banned from future fair events.


  • Stock Trailer and Motor Homes/RV Parking rates are available and due with vendor application. Stock trailer is used for storing supplies. Space is limited and not guaranteed. An electric permit is required.
  • Pit parking is limited to vendors who service concessionaires with food/paper items. Space is limited to previous year vendors. New vendors will be considered for open spaces starting Monday, prior to fair. All spaces are set at 40 feet and will be rented as such. Rental payment is due prior to the location being assigned. A stock trailer (not motorhome/rv) permit for each space will be issued when payment is received. An electric permit is required.
  • Vendors using pit parking are restricted to the same rules as concessionaires. Trucks are permitted to leave through the gate directly in front of their unit onto Route 46, and/or through gate 8 as may be necessary.
  • Trucks making deliveries must be off the midways by 10:00 a.m. – no exceptions. Those having delivery permits only are not permitted to park in pit parking unless space has been reserved.


  • Radio and TV stations located on fairgrounds are limited by all rules that apply to concessionaires.
  • Stations participating on the grounds as well as those sponsoring “Day At The Fair” activities must abide by acceptable audio levels.
  • Radio or TV stations, their employees, or agents installing equipment, may not attach speakers, wires, lights, etc. to any pole, tree or building.

Acceptable Audio Levels throughout the Canfield Fairgrounds.

  • A maximum acceptable audio level throughout the fairground area with normal audience present is 90db spl. at a distance of 50 ft from the performance area. (Orientation with the direction of the performance); at a distance of 75 ft the acceptable level is 80db spl.
  • The acceptable level to the sides and behind all areas shall be no more than 75db spl. at 40 ft and decrease from this distance outward.
  • Fairground officials will carry a calibrated db spl meter to verify levels described above. Audio levels will be calibrated to the ANSI code for the Goldline spl 120spl meter used as the control unit. Audio levels above those stated shall be subject to penalties, up to and including eviction enforceable by the fair board. These rules must be observed throughout the day so fairgoers may enjoy the fair.


  • Concession rules apply to those running for political position, re-election to political office or advocates of any public issue.


  • The Society is not responsible for any damages done by the holder of a concession permit, or by his, her, or its employees or agents, to any person or property. Concessionaires shall hold the Society harmless and waive their right to subrogation against the Society. Concessionaries shall carry liability insurance in an amount approved by the Society and supply a Certificate of Insurance as proof or they must purchase said insurance coverage from the Society’s insurance agency.
  • The Society shall not be responsible for damages sustained by Concessionaires from utility failures.
  • The Society assumes no responsibility for accident to any person or property from loss or damages by theft, fire, water, wind, storm and acts of third parties or for any other causes. All concessionaires, exhibitors and their agents agree to abide by all rules and regulations of the Society and to indemnify and hold harmless, the Fair Management thereto from any claims.
  • The violation of any of the above-mentioned conditions by the holder of a concession or privilege permit, or by his, her or its agents or employees, shall void the permit and the Fair Society shall have the right to exclude the offenders from the grounds and to take charge of the space occupied. All money paid for the privilege of the offending concessionaire shall be forfeited to the Fair Society, which may take charge of all property used in or about the business of the Concessionaire and sell same and apply the proceeds to payments of any sums due to the Fair Society.


  • Concessionaires must comply with Federal, State, County, Local and the Society’s Laws and Regulations.
  • Food concessions must meet the requirements of State and Local Board of Health or be rejected. A copy of these requirements are located on Vendor registration page of Canfield Fair website or can be obtained from the Mahoning County Public Health, 50 Westchester Drive, Austintown, OH 44515 (330/270-2855)
  • The State of Ohio requires a State Food Service License for every food service concession.
  • A representative of the Mahoning County Public Health will be on the fairgrounds prior to and during the Fair to handle the licensing and inspection of food concessions.
  • Those concessionaires, who come to the Canfield Fair with a current Ohio food service license as a mobile operation, will not have to obtain another license. However, the mobile license will only be honored if the particular concession meets with the sanitation and facility requirements.
  • The State also requires a license for operating shows, amusements, games, devices, or sale of novelties by auction or solicitation. This license is issued by the Director of Agriculture and a contract for space is contingent upon the issuance of this license. For Rules and Forms, write to Director of Agriculture, Amusement Ride Safety Section, 8995 East Main St, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 or go to
  • Those who have questions concerning LP Gas or any fire requirements should contact the Cardinal Joint Fire District at 330/533-4316. (Ask for Fire Inspection)
  • No displays, amusements or other attractions are permitted on any property owned or controlled by Mahoning County Agricultural Society/Canfield Fair without prior written consent of management.

Please read the entire rule document carefully.

Special attention should be given to:

  • All imprinted giveaways must be listed on contract when submitted
  • All political spaces will be limited to 10-foot frontage
  • Space must be staffed by a responsible individual from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m
  • No roaming permitted in midways or aisle ways. Must stay in boundaries of rented space
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